Monday, August 31, 2015

Review iPhone 6

iPhone 6 is not only bigger - better in every way. Larger, but thinner dramatically. More powerful, but highly efficient power. With smooth metal surfaces smooth meet new HD Retina display. It's one continuous form in which hardware and software function together perfectly, creating a new generation of iPhone is better by any measure pun.Dalam Making iPhone 6, Apple's examine each element and material. That's how Apple came in the form of a smooth, continuous. A thin profile made ​​possible by Apple's thinnest screen. And intuitively placed buttons. All are made with a beautiful anodized aluminum, stainless steel, and glass. It's a thousand little details that add up to something big. Or in this case, two major things: iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
We Feel The first thing when we hold the iPhone 6 is how great it feels in your hand. Cover glass curve down around the sides to meet in the anodized aluminum enclosure exceptional, simplified design. There is no distinct edge. There is no gap. Just a smooth, seamless bonding of metal and glass that feels like a single surface.
Designing a bigger iPhone without making it feel bigger is no small task. It required on the idea of ​​"big." This calls for a narrowing when the natural tendency is to expand. That means condensing strong technology and make chips smaller and thinner batteries, while making them more capable. And that means engineering the thinnest, most advanced Multi-Touch screen us. All of which results in a dramatic thin design.

Retina Display
  The size of the new, higher resolution HD Retina display on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus can be the first thing we noticed. But what we experienced so much more. With innovations that provide higher contrast, pixel dual-domain for more accurate color on a wider viewing angle, and enhanced polarizers, this is the thinnest, most advanced Multi-Touch display we've ever made.
Retina HD display is Windows to all that we do on the iPhone. So it should be great. And with the full standard sRGB color, high contrast, and brightness and white balance outstanding, iphone 6 has been menyemimbangkan everything.   

That glimpse of the iPhone 6 Design and Retina Display

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